The GOCE mission is a dedicated gravity field mission. Since the satellite carries three fluxgate magnetometers, these have been calibrated and characterized for pertubations. The standard deviation of geomagnetic quiet time residual with high-performance geomagnetic field model (CHAOS7) is below 13 nT.

The detailed study using Analytical method has been published here:

Michaelis, I., Styp-Rekowski, K., Rauberg, J. et al. Geomagnetic data from the GOCE satellite mission. Earth Planets Space 74, 135 (2022).

The data has been published here: 

Michaelis, Ingo; Korte, Monika (2022): GOCE calibrated and characterised magnetometer data. V. 0205. GFZ Data Services.

and is available at


The detailed study using Machine Learning method has been published here:

Styp-Rekowski, K., Michaelis, I., Stolle, C. et al. Machine learning-based calibration of the GOCE satellite platform magnetometers. Earth Planets Space 74, 138 (2022).

The data has been published here: 

Styp-Rekowski, Kevin; Michaelis, Ingo; Stolle, Claudia; Baerenzung, Julien; Korte, Monika; Kao, Odej (2022): GOCE ML-calibrated magnetic field data. V. 0204. GFZ Data Services.

and is available at

and updated here:

Kevin Styp-Rekowski, Ingo Michaelis, Monika Korte, et al. Physics-informed Neural Networks for the Improvement of Platform Magnetometer Measurements. Authorea. January 23, 2024.
DOI: 10.22541/au.170602061.18680921/v1

The data has been published here:

Styp-Rekowski, Kevin; Michaelis, Ingo; Stolle, Claudia; Baerenzung, Julien; Korte, Monika; Kao, Odej (2022): GOCE ML-calibrated magnetic field data. V. 0301. GFZ Data Services.

and is available at




Dr. Monika Korte

Section 2.3: Geomagnetism

Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46

Gebäude A 42, Raum 227

14473 Potsdam


Tel.: +49 331 6264-1268