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MPIOM Simulation for AOD1B RL07

This page provides information about characteristics of the simulated bottom pressure fields from the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology Ocean Model (MPIOM, Jungclaus et al., 2013) that are used for calculating the GRACE de-aliasing product AOD1B RL07.
Bottom pressure variability
The following figures contain information about different characteristics of the simulated bottom pressure fields. Figures are updated daily and represent averages over the most recently simulated 30 days.
Figure 1: Animation of simulated ocean bottom pressure anomalies relative to the meanfield for 2007-2014 for the last 30 days. Please click on the figure to start the animation.

Figure 2: Area-mean bottom pressure anomalies relative to a mean field for 2007-2014 for the Hudson Bay (middle left), the Baltic Sea (middle right), the Mediterranean Sea (bottom left), and the coastal waters around Antarctica southwards of the Southern ACC front (bottom right). Shape and geographical extent of the averaging regions are given in the upper panel.