Data-assimilative Radiation Belt Forecast

Data-assimilative real-time forecast of radiation belts

Two-day radiation belt forecast of 1 MeV electrons using the data-assimilative VERB code, real-time ARASE, ACE, and GOES data. Kp index for the previous 7 days are obtained from GFZ recent and previous month nowcast. 3-day Kp forecast is obtained from the GFZ as well.  Forecasts are conducted automatically every hour at GFZ. Version 2.0 of the code computes the nowcast and forecast fluxes from reanalysis directly using the T89 magnetic field model.

real time radioation belt forecast



Prof. Dr. Yuri Shprits

Section 2.7: Space Physics and Space Weather

Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46

Gebäude A 42, Raum 202

14473 Potsdam


Tel.: +49 331 288-28899